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Let's gather. Let's connect. Let's write. 

Join me for some True Nature Writing!

It's the perfect time of year to settle back into some routines, and to pick up your pen and write.  

Gather with a small group of writers in an online class:

Online Classes


As we navigate the ups and downs of our lives, and the joys and challenges of our everyday, it can be difficult to stay in touch with what matters most. A writing practice is a great way to tap into our own truth, and the beautiful solid ground beneath our feet. Join me around the virtual writing table, and we'll write. Inspired by poetry, rich prose and nature, and fuelled by the creative magic that happens in a supportive group, we'll write. We'll mine our truths and our stories. We'll feel connected - to nature, to each other, and to our own resilience and vitality. Click here for the full description of True Nature Writing. 

One-off Sessions: $30; (no charge for students enrolled in multi-week sessions)

Try out True Nature Writing via a single session. Come to a class or two to refresh your writing practice. 

  • Saturday, January 11, 9:30 - 11:00 am CST/MDT

  • Saturday, February 15, 9:30 - 11:00 am CST/MDT

          New dates to be added. Watch this space!

Email to register. 


Multi-week sessions:

Treat yourself to the gift of some solid writing time and re-commit to your projects and the creative work that has been calling. Join me and a small group of fabulous folks and settle into a regular writing practice. Inspired by poetry and the nature around us, we'll write, we'll notice, we'll tune into ourselves, our stories, and the beauty and challenge of life. We'll tap memories, stories, and the current of our daily lives in the quiet of winter, through the lengthening days, the vibrancy of spring, and the summer solstice. 

In each Ninety-Minute Zoom session, we gather, do a short warm-up, then write three times and share our writing. You'll come away with a sense of vitality and gratitude, growing confidence in your written voice, and lots of writing in your notebook. 


Winter Series:

  • Wednesdays mornings: 9:30 - 11:00 am CST, January 15 - March 5,  Eight classes, $200

  • Wednesdays evenings: 7:00 - 8:30 pm CST, ​January 15 - March 5,  Eight classes, $200

​Spring Series:

  • Wednesdays mornings: 9:30 - 11:00 am CST/MDT*, March 12 - April 30,  Eight classes, $200

  • Wednesdays evenings: 7:00 - 8:30 pm CST/MDT*, March 12 - April 30,  Eight classes, $200


​Spring Into Summer Series:

  • Tuesdays evenings: 7:00 - 8:30 pm CST/MDT*, May 6 - June 24, Eight classes, $175

  • Wednesdays mornings: 9:30 - 11:00 am CST/MDT*, ​May 7 - June 25, Eight classes, $175

     *Saskatchewan, where I live, does not observe Daylight Savings Time -- we're always on CST.  This means that after March 9,              posted class times are the same as MDT. 

Settle into a a semester of guided writing practice, and save a little!

Sign up for two of the three series, Sixteen classes, $375

Sign up for all three series, Twenty-four classes, $550

Additional class times may be added. If you'd like to take part in a class but the scheduled times don't work for you, get in touch and let me know what works for you, and I'll keep it mind for future planning. 

Registration fees in Canadian dollars. Sliding scale available. 

Online classes are limited to 7 participants. 

For more info and to register:

Collaborations and Custom Classes  

I'm happy to bring True Nature Writing to you. I can be a guest at your writing or book club, your workplace staff retreat or professional development day, or a gathering of friends. Via zoom or in-person. Drop me an email and let's see if we can make something work.


I also love to collaborate with other programs and teachers. If you teach yoga, mindfulness, photography, visual art, music, outdoor education, to name a few, and feel that True Nature Writing might benefit your students, let's talk! 


True Nature Writing is part of the Songs4Nature Program, co-ordinated by the Royal Sask Museum. The next adult camp is being planned for the fall. Have a listen to some of the music that has been created at these camps: 

Register now for upcoming sessions!

Contact me at for updates and to learn more. 

Live your own Great Big Small Life!

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